Beyond Carbon Neutral
Beyond Carbon Neutral: How We Fix the Climate Crisis Now, is available for purchase from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, and Apple Books!
Climate change is the defining challenge of our age. At best, it threatens to disrupt everything about our society, while at worst it could destroy everything we've worked to build. How we respond to climate change in the coming decades will define what the world looks like for our descendants, and rising to that challenge requires a comprehensive approach. Beyond Carbon Neutral is a book that lays out such a complete strategy for reversing climate change. Broken into three parts, the book lays out the steps we need to take to avert catastrophe.
The first outlines how we can re-build our power grid using wholly renewables sources using only the technology we have right now. It details how we can use the abundant solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power across the United States, all balanced by day-to-day and seasonal energy storage. But that's only half of the problem.
The second part of the book is dedicated to ultimately reversing the damage, not just preventing the problem from getting worse. Our options for geoengineering and artificial methods to remove carbon dioxide are scrutinized to determine what will actually get us back to normal.
Neither of those tasks are possible unless we marshal societal institutions to get it done. Part three shows how business, the government, and the reader must contribute to implementing climate solutions. Throughout the book, discussions of how society needs to adapt to these changes are presented, ranging from our consumption habits to how we view the environment.
“Our hope to reverse climate change rests on acting together, acting decisively, and—most importantly—acting quickly. This cannot be an ad hoc affair if we mean to effectively marshal the resources we need.”
- Beyond Carbon Neutral